Rents and Miscellaneous Income - Schedule E
Reporting rental income
Passive loss rules
Partnership and Subchapter S corporation income
Trust income
Reporting rental income
Report income and expenses associated with rental property on Schedule E
Notice that after accounting for depreciation, you may have a loss on your property
Deductible losses are limited
This is all part of the "passive loss" rules
Passive loss rules
Part of Tax Reform Act of 1986
Attempt to reduce tax shelter activity
Complex part of tax law
All renting activities are classified as passive activities
So are most limited partnerships
Most passive losses cannot be deducted against your other income
Small-time landlords can deduct up to $25,000 in rental losses against other income if their AGI is below $100,000
If AGI is between $100,000 to $150,000 the ability to deduct rental losses is phased out
Partnership and Subchapter S corporation income
Income or loss is reported to you on Schedule K-1
Report on back of Schedule E
Trust income
If you're lucky enough to receive this kind of income, report it on the back of Schedule E